WISH [Pro Hero Bakugou X Reader], My Hero Academia Fanfiction

WISH banner


Pairing: Pro Hero Bakugou x mangaka!Reader

Summary: I made a wish and you came true.

Trading real romance over that between the pages of Bakugou’s favorite manga is harder than he thought it would be. No one can handle who Dynamight is beneath the mask, but a chance encounter leaves him reeling when the woman he rescues so easily breaks down his walls. The problem? She seems almost too similar to a certain romance manga protagonist that he’s come to know and love…

Contains: Pro Hero AU Setting, Aged-Up Characters, Reader is Quirkless, Fake Dating, Eventual Smut, Very Fluffy and Light-Hearted, Mentions of Depression, Therapy, Previous Break Ups, etc. It’s a Christmas fic! More Warnings in Chapter Notes.

Word Count: ~3-5K per chapter


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Resolutions for 2024: Creativity + Community

Hi, Hello, and Happy New Year! I know it’s been a minute (more like almost a year) since I properly made a post here on the blog! In fact, it’s been so long that I am struggling a bit with what exactly to write here. It’s been so long, but I suppose blogging is a lot like riding a bike; I’ll get my balance again soon enough!

I thought coming back to the blog at the beginning of the year with fresh resolutions would be fitting. I have missed my little space I carved out so many years ago. And I even attempted to keep writing through other means but alas, it only left me with several unfinished drafts and half-baked ideas in my Google drive. But that changes this year! Albeit, very slowly. I don’t want to jump back in with both feet and drown before I have had a chance to swim. I want to reignite my love for blogging first and foremost.

So what does that mean exactly? Well, let’s take a look at my resolutions for the year so I can go into a bit more detail!

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Gaming After Dark: Celestial Crowns [Demo Review]

*Disclaimer: Welcome to Gaming After Dark, a series just for games best enjoyed after dark. Games featured in this series are NSFW (Not Safe For Work), contain adult content and explicit themes, and are not meant for those under the age of eighteen. The reviews for the games may also feature content that is NSFW and is intended for mature readers only.

*Disclosure: Min at Harlevin reached out to me to review the demo for Celestial Crowns. The review is my own and is based on my own gaming experience. Special thanks to Min for allowing me the opportunity to play the demo before its release to Steam and itch.io ♥

I am so excited to add a new game to the Gaming After Dark series! Y’all are in for a treat! I was over the moon (pun not intended) when I was asked to review the demo for Celestial Crowns in time for its kickstarter release. After taking a look at the overall premise and how inclusive the demo is, I had to play it and give it a fair review for the blog!

  • Age Rating: 18+
  • Genre(s): Romance // Drama // Fantasy // Indie
  • Developer: Harlevin
  • Play The Demo For Free: Steam // itch.io
  • Support the Kickstarter: click here!!!
Set in a world where they worship the stars, play as the newly crowned Ruling Monarch of the kingdom of Lauté. In ancient times, the Royals were masters of the elements with the ability to spellcraft that made people believe they were gods. Nowadays, the ability has faded with misuse, and the only Royal left known to have this ability is King Aalam of Andromeda. With your kingdom on unsteady ground after your father's recent assassination, this dangerous King with magic beyond comprehension has an offer you can’t ignore:

Accept his hand in marriage, or go to war.
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Spoilers! A Trip to Ireland & Life Update

Hey y’all!

It’s been a minute hasn’t it? As I explained in my last post several months ago, things have slowed way down on the blog. More so than I expected if I am being perfectly honest. Initially this slow down was just so I could focus on making my game, but I have since rediscovered my passion for writing fiction (fanfiction) while creating a story for the game I am working on. I have shared several of my works here already. It’s been fantastic to stretch my creativity like this again.

But that also means there hasn’t been much new stuff to share here. And I’m afraid that this will continue for a little while. I have been reading quite a lot and have several books I would like to put up reviews here for as well as some new otome Switch games and PC dating sims that I think need more attention. I also have some fanfiction works that I would like to review here as well. I just haven’t had the motivation to write any reviews lately. I also never finished my 30 Day Challenge or a (rather large) write up on one of my favorite horror games.

Everything is falling to the back burner, but I can’t say that I’m unhappy about it.

This blog has been a huge outlet for me, and while I still love it and plan to maintain it and add to it, I just don’t see myself tackling as many posts per week as I used to. I know that means I will lose readers and followers, but life is too short for me to push out a steady stream of content that I will come to resent all for the sake of numbers.

Wow, I didn’t mean for this post to take on such a melancholy mood! That is all to say that basically life happened and continues to happen so please don’t anticipate that the same level of activity and posts that you were used to. I have no intention of that becoming the norm again. I will update and post reviews that mean something to me, and I still have lots of things planned, but right now, there are things taking higher priority that also make me happier in general.

Let’s get into the actual life update shall we?

Our Trip to Ireland in August 2022

My husband and I finally made our way to Ireland for a wedding in August this past year. We had been planning to go since 2020, but the world had other plans. With the travel bands lifted/relaxed, we were able to make the trip over this year. We had a rough time at the airport as our first flight was canceled and that created a domino effect. Once the first flight was rescheduled the following day, we found out that our seats were not together. And then the layover between flights was almost 9 hours! Our second flight had the same seat issue and we ended up having to pay several hundreds of dollars to sit together. It was a nightmare, but once we actually made it to Dublin, all was well, thank goodness.

The wedding took place in Belfast and was just gorgeous! We had a lovely time with my husband’s family. We drove down to Tralee to see more of his family, too. We saw the beach, went to a couple of family get-togethers, and took about a million photos! We had so much fun but also spent some time resting and being together. I loved it! I can’t wait to go back! We are already planning another trip for this October.

Home Updates: Office & Main Bedroom

I have been talking about updating our office for awhile and we were able to get quite a few things done recently!

We had the carpets ripped out upstairs and replaced with wood-like vinyl. (At least I’m pretty sure it’s vinyl!) The carpet was probably 20 years old, and it needed to be replaced ages ago. I was very happy to get that done. I also painted the office a very pretty deep maroon color. My husband removed the backs of my bookcases as well and mounted them to the wall. I really love the way the room looks now! We still have a few things left to do but I was able to tick off one of my big items as well: a standing desk!

We got the standing desk from Flexispot! We had a great experience with them and I couldn’t be happier. I have been using it for a few months now! I love it. It’s easy to use and just perfect for what I need. I also splurged about got a walking pad from Amazon that fits perfectly underneath it. Maybe after using them both a while longer, I’ll come back with a full overview/review if anyone is interested. So far though, I really like both the standing desk and walking pad!

As for the bedroom, I painted an additional wall that I had been dying to paint black right before we had the carpet removed. We also finally got a headboard. It wasn’t the one I wanted, but it was budget friendly and mostly fit the vibe I wanted. It’ll do until I can get the headboard I want. We also quickly realized that without the carpet, the floors were pretty cool in the early mornings so I also purchased a rug from Ruggable! The room is slowly coming together.

The small nook with the newly painted black wall also got some love. I brought up my old black bookcase from IKEA and the papasan chair from our old house (which has been seen in older photos around the blog before). The old cushion lost a lot of its stature from use over the years so I purchased a new one in emerald green! I just started styling the bookcase but there’s not much to it so no new pics yet!

Now the main bedroom and the office are looking really good! I’m happy with the updates!

Health Updates from 2022 and 2023

I have an entire section of this post dedicated to my health because a lot has happened since last year.

Even before roe v wade was overturned, and the state that I currently reside in made abortion access non-existent, I finally bit the bullet and scheduled an IUD appointment with my obgyn in June of last year. I had been having issues with getting my birth control refilled in a timely manner, and when neither the pharmacies nor my insurance company would solve the issue, I decided it was time to find a long term solution.

I’m going to tell you right now that the procedure was not pleasant. Lucky for me, my obgyn had been up front about the pain and discomfort so I had a decent idea of what to expect. I was thankful that I had taken ibuprofen and asked my husband to drive me home afterwards because the pain was excruciating. I know other people that have a uterus have said it wasn’t a big deal, but as someone with a generally high tolerance for pain and spent years with periods that were debilitating, this was some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. Fortunately, it only lasted a couple of days before I was back to my regular cramps and general period-like symptoms.

I’ve have had the IUD for about 9 months now, and I’m happy with my decision especially after current events. If you’re considering getting an IUD and want to hear from someone who had the procedure recently, feel free to shoot me a DM on Twitter. I would be happy to answer any questions that I can. Please remember I’m not a doctor and am just basing it off of my own experience.

Then there was Covid. I finally got it after two years of being safe and working from home. I was honestly so upset when I tested positive, but it was only a matter of time.

Right before we were scheduled to come home from Ireland, my husband began to feel sick. He took a rapid test and it came back negative so we chalked it up to a cold. However, the day before we flew home, I also started showing symptoms. All we could do was wear our masks, keep our hands clean, and do our best to social distance. Luckily, the flights home were what we had originally planned for so Alec and I were able to sit in our two seater section for both flights. We kept our masks on through both airports and on the ride home. I felt so guilty, but we did everything we could to minimize the spread despite not knowing at the time if we even did have Covid. Once we were home, we both took a rapid test and almost immediately we got a positive result.

This was several months ago now. Up until about January, I was still feeling some of the symptoms despite testing negative. I’ve been to the doctor as well to find out that many people like myself are still experiencing respiratory issues and fatigue. I had a terrible cough that just wouldn’t go away. I did eventually stop coughing up stuff, but so many things can still set the symptoms off all over again.

The biggest issue was at night. Something about the sun going down would set it off. I slept elevated with a humidifier. For awhile I lived on cough drops and cold medicine, anything to suppress the cough. When the AC was on or if I lied down, I would immediately begin coughing again. I did get to a point where I could drink a hot cup of tea before bed to help sooth my throat before going to sleep. My sleep schedule was also taken a hit. I used to go to bed at 9pm, and now I’m lucky to fall asleep at 11pm, though it’s most often closer to midnight.

Covid is no joke, and I feel like one of the lucky ones despite the symptoms that continued to hang on.

Game Update

If you’ve kept up with my other update posts, you already know I am working on my first video game!

I knew this process was going to be long and full of difficulty, but I don’t think I really understood what I was getting myself into. I had a loose idea and inspiration but I am having a hard time getting an actual story line together. I have some plot points written out as well as three characters. I have also started on their designs as well by just curating photos and pictures that fit the vibes I want.

I have also been doing some research by playing other dating sims which may sound silly but it’s a great way to find things you want to incorporate (or stay away from). Like I love the idea of pronoun options and a chatroom-like interface. I also realized that I didn’t have to start out with all three characters at all if I didn’t want to. I could try just a single character with 2 or 3 paths to get a feel for everything then add the other two later when I was ready. Seeing other indie games has given me a new perspective for sure, but I want to make sure I stay true to my vision without accidentally copying another creator’s work.

So that about sums everything up I think! Thanks for coming along on this ride with me. I appreciate your support as always! Hopefully it won’t be so long in between posts next time! Until then!

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Mine. [Pro Hero Bakugou X Reader], My Hero Academia Fanfiction Parts I & II

Mine. (artwork is not mine)

Mine. Part I

Pairing: Pro Hero Bakugou X afab!Reader
Summary: Bakugou gets jealous at a bar/club.
Contains: alcohol, violence, posessive!Bakugou, mention of sex
Word Count: 1.1K

Mine. Part II

Pairing: Pro Hero Bakugou X afab!Reader
Summary: Bakugou can’t control himself any longer and pulls Reader into a public bathroom to lay his claim to her.
Contains: posessive!Bakugou, public sex, breeding kink kinda, idk what else – I’m tired.
Word Count: 1.8K

Interested in other chapter teasers and behind the scenes blurbs? Check out my tumblr!

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